No Hamburgers for Links

By: Mr. Wilson on December 21, 2005
Unsurprisingly, Mayor Seng vetoed the proposed McDonald's and convenience store/gas station on Capital Parkway across from Lincoln High, in what is now an Alltel parking lot. Her rationale? It's not the right kind of economic development. In Mayor Seng's world no economic development is better than economic development that falls short of her utopian vision. I could respect that if 1) Mayor Seng's vision had a basis in reality; and 2) Mayor Seng had managed to demonstrate an ability to get Lincoln closer to her vision. It doesn't, and she hasn't. Mayor Seng would like to see an office building on the lot rather than a McDonald's. So would I. There's just one little problem: nobody has offered to build an office building on the lot. I'd like to see a lot of things happen in this city -- new world-class arena and convention center anyone? -- but that doesn't mean we ought to turn away any offer that isn't absolutely perfect. A McDonald's and convenience store is a reasonable use for the lot in question, and the two businesses stand an excellent chance of doing very well at that location. What's wrong with that?

Bond Issue Gets a Backer

By: Mr. Wilson on December 21, 2005
The school board today got good news from the Lincoln Education Association. The LEA put its support behind the upcoming $250 million school bond issue. It's a small step, and an unsurprising one, but with less than two months to convince the voters, good news is great news for the school board.

Performancing for Firefox

By: Mr. Wilson on December 20, 2005

Hey there everybody, I'm just giving the new Performancing for Firefox plugin a whirl. Think it'll work?

[Update: Well hot dog, it does work, unlike Flock, which I could never get to work properly. I'd be interested in hearing others' opinions if you get a chance to install it.]

Red Shirtgate

By: Mr. Wilson on December 20, 2005
Breaking news! It was John Cook's fault that Nebraska lost the National Championship volleyball match in San Antonio. How do I know? He wore a red shirt to the match and I've been told by folks in the know that Cook never wears a red shirt to matches. Whew, I'm relieved. I thought for sure I had screwed up one of my superstitions. As it turns out, it was Coach Cook who offended the gods with his clothing faux pas. Tsk tsk. Remember Husker fans, if you see Coach Cook wearing a red shirt at the Qwest Center next year, it is your duty as a red-blooded Husker to get that evil thing off of him!

Dangerous Times

By: Mr. Wilson on December 19, 2005
I was out of town when the New York Times broke the story about the eavesdropping our government is doing, without warrants or judicial oversight, here in the United States. It's probably just as well. The story pretty much speaks for itself, so it's not like I would have had any earth-shattering insight to add to the discussion. But I simply must reiterate, as many others have done, how frightening it is that our President thinks that shredding civil liberties is the best way to protect civil liberties. In his own words:
The American people expect me to do everything in my power under our laws and Constitution to protect them and their civil liberties. And that is exactly what I will continue to do, so long as I'm the president of the United States. [Emphasis added]
And he actually believes that stuff! Bush honestly thinks that violating our country's laws and Constitution is consistent with his "power under our laws and Constitution", and he thinks that violating basic civil liberties is the best way "to protect [us] and [our] civil liberties." The man lives in a twisted, bizarre little world. If domestic spying really needs to be done to protect our lives and liberties, fine. But there is no reason -- zero -- to circumvent judicial oversight of the process. If the spying is really necessary, the courts will allow reasonable covert activities to take place. The courts are comprised of Americans, after all, and judges no more want to end up dead at the hands of terrorists than does Joe Public. These are dangerous times we live in, and unfortunately some of the dangers originate right here in the U.S.A., including Washington, D.C.

Upgrade to EE 1.4

By: Mr. Wilson on December 18, 2005
I just finished upgrading some backend software. I see a few glitches already, most of which weren't unexpected. I'll be working to fix those over the next day or two. If you notice anything wonky that doesn't get fixed, please let me know about it.

Sea Tacos

By: Mr. T on December 16, 2005
I noticed today that Taco del Mar will be opening a place in downtown Lincoln. I am quite the fan of fish tacos, especially those that can be found at a particular location in Omaha. There are other fish taco places in town, notably De Leon's and Oso, but Taco del Mar - a chain that is really big out in Washington state - really has pretty good ones. Why people still go to Amigos is beyond me.

Don & Millie’s Rocks

By: Mr. Wilson on December 14, 2005
The Missus and I grabbed a quick bite at Don & Millie's last night, since I'll be on the road during tonight's Date Night. You know what? Don & Millie's isn't fancy, but I sure do like that place. I ordered my usual, a chili cheese dog. It's a footlong dog covered in a tasty chili. Good stuff. The Missus went with a garden salad and a baked potato. Two guess which one of us is the healthy one. I was still just a tiny bit hungry after my chili dog, so I did a bad thing: I ordered some cheese frenchees. You know what you should not follow a chili cheese dog with? Four pieces of battered and deep fried cheese sandwiches. The ol' stomach was mighty full after all that, but boy was it good. I'm such a glutton. The people were nice, the place was clean, it was nice and bright inside, and the food was tasty. Maybe it's the rash of local fast food joints selling out lately, but Don & Millie's seems to stand out from the crowd.

Road Trip

By: Mr. Wilson on December 14, 2005
I'm leaving for San Antonio this afternoon. We'll drive to either Oklahoma City or Dallas, stay the night, and then continue on to San Antonio in the morning. Tomorrow night we'll watch the Huskers play UCLA at the Alamodome, and we'll probably watch the earlier game as well. Friday we'll do touristy stuff. Friday night we're going to the Capital of Texas Nebraskans' Husker Huddle:
Friday, December 16, 2005 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Steers & Beers Steakhouse 849 E. Commerce, #101 Rivercenter Mall (on the Riverwalk) San Antonio, Texas
Stop by if you'll be in the area. You should be able to find me pretty easily; I'll be the one in red. Assuming Thursday night brings good news, on Saturday we'll probably hang around the downtown/Riverwalk area to get primed for that evening's match. After the match -- and the appropriate amount of celebration -- we'll hop in the car and drive through the night. We should be back Sunday afternoon. I'm going to try to blog throughout the trip, so hopefully I'll be posting photos and updates periodically. That assume's my father's laptop doesn't crap out on me, though. One of these days I'll get my own laptop... Are any of you headed to San Antonio? If so, it'd be great to see you at the Husker Huddle. If not, I hope you plan to try to catch the matches on TV. GBR.

Lincoln: The Game

By: Mr. T on December 14, 2005
I was pleased to see Lincoln On Board this evening while grocery shopping at Russ's on Washington and 17th. Lincoln On Board is based on the "Monopoly" game, where you can buy property, accrue wealth, etc.. Predictably, the 3 food establishments you could buy were Runza, Valentino's and Lazlo's. The list of sponsors (who appear on the real estate) is available at Leadership Lincoln's site. Example, "you ran out of gas, go to U-Stop" etc. I was surprised to see that, if memory serves me - the University of Nebraska was "for sale" as well. Perhaps a subconscious nod to the Dave Hergert debacle? In anycase, although I'm a bit old for these sorts of games, it may make for a nice gift for any City of Lincoln fanatics out there (Mr. Wilson, etc.). It is also noted that proceeds go to Leadership Lincoln, an organization I am somewhat familiar with that does good things, particularly in their youth programs. And no, I am not a member or alumni of Leadership Lincoln.

Matthew Koso is Guilty

By: Mr. Wilson on December 13, 2005
Matthew Koso today pled guilty to the crime of first-degree sexual assault of a child. The crime is punishable by one to 50 years in prison. Methinks we won't be seeing Mr. Koso for a while.

Seng to Wal-Mart: We Don’t Want Your Money

By: Mr. Wilson on December 13, 2005
Mayor Queen Seng finally went public with her decision to veto any City Council decision in favor of building a Wal-Mart at 84th and Adams. Seng's decision is ostensibly based on the notion that Wal-Mart is inappropriate for a "neighborhood center" commercial area. The reality is that Seng, like many community leaders around the country, thinks that Wal-Mart -- rather, another Wal-Mart -- isn't "good enough" for Lincoln. She is wrong. Lincoln is not in a position to be picky about who chooses to conduct business here. Yet time after time Lincoln's civic leaders choose to take business-unfriendly positions, robbing the community of countless tax and investment dollars. Gallup fled to Omaha. Tractor Supply Company chose Waverly. And on and on. Seng's arguments against Wal-Mart ring hollow. She complains that a Wal-Mart is not consistent with the typical "neighborhood center" in Lincoln. Commercial area designations in the Comprehensive Plan -- "neighborhood center", "community center", and "regional center" -- are suggestions, not hard and fast rules. Seng knows that, as does anybody who has paid attention to land use in Lincoln over the years. The Comprehensive Plan is amended and outright violated all the time. That's how it should be; market forces are much better indicators of appropriate land use than are planners looking into their crystal balls several years or decades down the line. Seng complains that a Wal-Mart could increase traffic to the point that new roads will be required. Note that word "could". It's a classic lazy argument. It means "I don't actually know, but I'll plant the idea in your head to try to sway your opinion." Even if improved transportation infrastructure is required, it would not be inconsistent with expectations for that area. It's a growing area (hence Wal-Mart's desire to build there). Improved roads are a certainty with or without Wal-Mart. Blaming the need for new roads on Wal-Mart alone is a red herring. Seng also frets that a neighborhood center should have, as the article puts it, "a variety of stores and services, similar to the neighborhood center at 27th Street and Nebraska [Highway] 2, with a Russ's, Shopko and other assorted stores." Nowhere is it written that a) those services are required in a neighborhood center, or b) that those services must be provided by separate stores. A Wal-Mart Supercenter offers the exact same services as the Russ's, Shopko, bank, and restaurants at 27th & Highway 2. Wal-Mart's crime? Putting all of those services into one store. I am also angry with Seng for playing political games with this process by refusing to state her position until yesterday, forcing the City Council to delay their vote for a week, and confusing the developers. Once again Seng's actions demonstrate her anti-economic development worldview. I'm not saying that Wal-Mart is the best option for 84th & Adams. I don't know what the best option is. But Mayor Seng is playing political games and offering lame excuses for wanting to deny millions of dollars of economic input into the local economy. There are intellectually honest reasons to oppose the proposed Wal-Mart Supercenter at 84th & O that don't rely on anti-Wal-Mart hysteria and elitist conceptions of what's "good" for the community. Colleen Seng has not offered up a single one.

Pumas in Lincoln!

By: Mr. Wilson on December 12, 2005
A rumor is floating around the office that two puma sightings have been reported in Lincoln, one in Wilderness Park and one near 14th & Superior. I can't say that I'm surprised. There's certainly plenty of food (deer, for example) to go around, and the regional puma population has been increasing over the years. I'm actually a little excited by the prospect of puma in the area. I love wildlife -- even the scary slash-your-throat-and-eat-you kind. Public safety comes first, though, so although I certainly don't want this (these?) puma(s) to be killed, I understand there's a good chance that's what will happen.
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