Dangerous Times
By: Mr. Wilson on
December 19, 2005
The American people expect me to do everything in my power under our laws and Constitution to protect them and their civil liberties. And that is exactly what I will continue to do, so long as I'm the president of the United States. [Emphasis added]And he actually believes that stuff! Bush honestly thinks that violating our country's laws and Constitution is consistent with his "power under our laws and Constitution", and he thinks that violating basic civil liberties is the best way "to protect [us] and [our] civil liberties." The man lives in a twisted, bizarre little world. If domestic spying really needs to be done to protect our lives and liberties, fine. But there is no reason -- zero -- to circumvent judicial oversight of the process. If the spying is really necessary, the courts will allow reasonable covert activities to take place. The courts are comprised of Americans, after all, and judges no more want to end up dead at the hands of terrorists than does Joe Public. These are dangerous times we live in, and unfortunately some of the dangers originate right here in the U.S.A., including Washington, D.C.
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Well said!
Don’t forget, on a speech he gave on April 20th of last year, he stated explicitly (well, he wasn’t swearing or being dirty or anything) that his administration does not use wiretaps without a court order, and that they follow the constitution on this matter.
Somebody please tell me that this an impeachable offense.
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