Don & Millie’s Rocks

By: Mr. Wilson on December 14, 2005
The Missus and I grabbed a quick bite at Don & Millie's last night, since I'll be on the road during tonight's Date Night. You know what? Don & Millie's isn't fancy, but I sure do like that place. I ordered my usual, a chili cheese dog. It's a footlong dog covered in a tasty chili. Good stuff. The Missus went with a garden salad and a baked potato. Two guess which one of us is the healthy one. I was still just a tiny bit hungry after my chili dog, so I did a bad thing: I ordered some cheese frenchees. You know what you should not follow a chili cheese dog with? Four pieces of battered and deep fried cheese sandwiches. The ol' stomach was mighty full after all that, but boy was it good. I'm such a glutton. The people were nice, the place was clean, it was nice and bright inside, and the food was tasty. Maybe it's the rash of local fast food joints selling out lately, but Don & Millie's seems to stand out from the crowd.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 15, 2005 at 12:00AM

I love Don & Millie’s.
It’s top-notch fast food, and the beers and margaritas are 99 cents.
And back when I first got business cards, it was the first free-lunch drawing I ever won.

December 15, 2005 at 4:36PM

I’ll bet that drive to San Antonio was fun after a chili dog with a cheese frenchee chaser.  Whew!

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