Where in Lincoln is this?
By: Mr. T on
November 9, 2009

Keep it clean. Avoid language that is obscene, vulgar, lewd or sexually-oriented. If you can't control yourself, don't post it. Don't threaten to hurt or kill anyone. Be truthful. Don't lie about anyone or anything. Be nice. No racism, sexism or any other sort of -ism that degrades another person. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK, and forgive people their spelling errors. Let us know if it's getting out of hand. Please use the "Report Abuse" button on offensive comments. Share what you know, ask about what you don't. Give us your eyewitness accounts, background, observations and history. What more do you want to know about the story? Stay focused, and ask questions. Keep on the story's topic. And remember - don't feed the trolls.How sad is it that they have to post an elementary school-style list like that? I suppose it's even sadder that it probably won't help.
We think there's enough water coming down Antelope Creek year-round to keep a fresh flow in there. But if we need to supplement it, there are wells we can put into it or we can release water from Holmes Lake.It sure feels like cheating to suck water out of a well just to keep water in the creek. But at least there's a plan to keep all this from turning into a dry ditch, right? It's a little difficult to believe that after all these years the end of the Antelope Valley Project is in site. The flood control portion is practically finished, and the roads will be finished in a couple years. Now, can we please get started on that beltway?