Ditch Digging

By: Mr. Wilson on November 2, 2009
Oh so that's how they are going to keep water in the new Antelope Creek channel:
We think there's enough water coming down Antelope Creek year-round to keep a fresh flow in there. But if we need to supplement it, there are wells we can put into it or we can release water from Holmes Lake.
It sure feels like cheating to suck water out of a well just to keep water in the creek. But at least there's a plan to keep all this from turning into a dry ditch, right? It's a little difficult to believe that after all these years the end of the Antelope Valley Project is in site. The flood control portion is practically finished, and the roads will be finished in a couple years. Now, can we please get started on that beltway?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

November 2, 2009 at 3:15PM

It looks like it will be awesome to bike ride through that when it’s all done.

November 2, 2009 at 3:57PM

I sure hope they can divert water into it better than they have Bowling lake… their track record really isn’t that great…

November 2, 2009 at 5:41PM

Please explain what I’m looking at.

D. L. Whitehead
November 2, 2009 at 6:03PM

Bike riding?  Wife & I rode much of whats finished one Sunday morning this summer.  Broken glass everywhere!  Covered with glass carpet bombs.  Good idea for a ride?  Not practical for enjoyment or commuting through this area.

November 2, 2009 at 6:57PM

Just south of N Street there’s a dam (in the photo).  It’s behind the northern most ball field in the Lewis Ballfields

There’s currently about 3 acres of water, maybe 2 feet deep.  To the right of the picture (not seen) is a door that can open to allow flow into the structured creek below in Union Plaza Park. 

The dam’s purpose is to collect water so during dry periods there will still be water flowing through the park.

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