Riddles Revealed

By: Mr. Wilson on July 31, 2006
On Friday I presented five riddles as part of this blog's ongoing Friday Five feature. It took a couple days, but foxspit, huskerpilot, and christopher pieced it all together. To wrap up:
  1. Buck Beltzer, the Huskers' old baseball stadium. It was to the north of Memorial Stadium (the giant's shadow); its kin (Haymarket Park) is across the street, and is the home of the Saltdogs.
  2. Cool Crest, an awesome miniature golf course just north of 48th and O. It was an "oasis" of sorts (lots of trees and water); there were three different courses (hence visitors had to decide which way to go); and the area is now considered blighted by the city.
  3. Stuart Theater, now the Rococo. It was built in the 20's; practically destroyed in the 70's when its beauty was concealed to "modernize" it; it was restored in 2001; and recently Tommy Lee performed there while in town filming "Tommy Lee Goes to College".
  4. King's, a small chain of 50's-themed restaurants. The "jerks" were soda jerks; and the "friend" today is Amigo's restaurants, which uses the name King's Classic for its burger line. I editorialized a bit on this one, since I think it's a shame that a Lincoln classic is being exploited to sell bad fast food burgers.
  5. Miller and Paine, a classic Lincoln department store at 13th and O. The moth is a miller moth, a common, annoying moth; and Thomas is Thomas Paine, author of the pro-independence pamphlet "Common Sense".
And the theme, of course, was Lincoln icons that are gradually fading into history. Thanks for playing, everybody. What did everybody think? Were the riddles any good? Shall I do this again?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
July 31, 2006 at 3:00PM

I still think that most (normal) people don’t know what a “Miller moth” is.

August 2, 2006 at 2:17AM

I enjoyed the riddles very much.  Still humiliated to call myself a Husker baseball fan and miss the one with The Buck in it.

Definitely do some more!

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