A big thanks to all of you who tuned in to 1400 KLIN this morning to hear me on the Jack & John in the Morning show, and for the very kind post-show words via the blog, Twitter, and e-mail. Although my time on the air was short, I had a blast. I would love to do it again sometime. I don't think I could do radio every day, but I could see myself yakking it up once a week. I just need to set up that pirate radio station in my basement. (Just kidding, FCC!)
One of the things Dan (DMB) brought up on the show is the future direction of Lincolnite beyond this blog. It was an excellent question and, if you listened to my brief answer on the show, not one I have a firm answer to. There are several thing I would love to do with Lincolnite. As I have made clear, though, Lincolnite is just a hobby of mine. It could be more than that -- it could even be my fulltime job if I put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into it -- and maybe some day it will. For now there's a chicken and egg problem. The chicken: having a product worth "buying". (No, I won't be charging you a membership fee!) The egg: having the resources to create that product. Today Lincolnite is all about the blog. Maybe that's all Lincolnite will ever amount to. There's nothing wrong with that. But perhaps one day it will be more than that. We'll see.
Back to this morning's show. Thank you again, John and Dan, for having me on the show this morning. And thank you Lincolnites for helping to make this blog a fun "place" for all of us.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I think you have a good thing going here. Would love to help out in any way that I can other than my frequent pontificating. LOL
<i>The chicken: having a product worth
Are you sure it shouldn’t be, “If this blog’s a rockin’, come on in!”
As a frequent reader (who doesn’t comment all that often), I second Fletch’s comments. I would love to help take this site to the next level.
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