My Morning With The Hammer and Jack In the Box

By: Mr. Wilson on March 12, 2010
I crawled out of bed bright and early this morning to participate in the inaugural Friday Forum on KLIN's Jack & John in the Morning show from 7:00am to 8:00am. Thank you to those of you who tuned in. This was my second appearance on the Jack & John show, though oddly enough I have not yet been in the room with both Jack and John at the same time. [Insert conspiracy theory here.] The first time I chatted with John and our own Dan McGuire for about 30 minutes. This time around Jack invited me to help kick off what he's calling the Friday Forum. The Friday Forum will feature relatively prominent-ish Lincolnites joining the show to talk about ... well, whatever Lincoln is talking about. I think it's a fun idea and I look forward to seeing how it evolves. For this "beta test" of the idea Jack invited me and none other than former City Council member (and current Ray's Lawn & Home Care pro) Ken Svoboda onto the show. Now longtime readers might wonder how that went over. After all, I've taken digs at Mr. Svoboda in the past, and I picked on him a bit when I gave him the nickname "The Hammer". I once described him as "The Thomas Magnum look-alike who dances like MC Hammer and whose home is filled with dead houseplants." I got in my digs, but I don't think I was ever outright mean to him, nor do I feel like I ever said anything inappropriate about him. Does he feel the same way? Sure enough Ken had read what I had written about him, but just last night. He didn't seem to hold any ill will toward me, indicating that either (a) he has a sense of humor, or (b) he's biding his time before he kills me and buries me under a bed of poppies in a median on 84th Street. Hopefully our common status as Lincoln Southeast alumni shifts his reaction more toward the former and less toward the latter. One shocking Ken Svoboda fact you may not be aware of: his mustache is gone. It was a little like finding out that Fabio is bald. The oddest thing about being on a morning talk show is how little time you actually have to speak. And when you do speak, boy does time fly. I was in the studio for over an hour but it may as well have been twenty minutes. Time flies when you're talking into a microphone. We covered a variety of topics this morning but I need to mention one in particular. Jack was really into the marijuana busts that happened in Lincoln this week. It made for a good topic. That being said, Jack, your show corrupted my son. The Missus and Robbie listened in at home. Thanks to our discussion on the show, my son asked "Mom, what's a stoner?". Thanks a lot, Jack! I don't know about Ken and Jack, but I had a lot of fun. Hopefully those of you who listened in enjoyed the show, and I hope to get invited back some day.


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