An Impossible Battle

By: Mr. Wilson on October 13, 2009
Quixotic [kwik-sot-ik] - adjective
  1. (sometimes initial capital letter) resembling or befitting Don Quixote.
  2. extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical, or impracticable.
  3. impulsive and often rashly unpredictable.
  4. Trying to convince high schoolers to stay away from a Westboro Baptist Church protest near the school.

Will You Pay an Extra Nickel for That BK Value Meal?

By: Mr. Wilson on October 13, 2009
As we get closer to making a decision about a new arena in Lincoln, we're finally seeing some nice details roll in. The latest numbers are the taxes being proposed to fund the arena:
  • A 4 percent hotel occupation tax.
  • A 2 percent occupation bar and restaurant tax.
  • A 4 percent car rental occupation tax.
Not supplied -- at least not by the Journal Star -- is an estimate of just how much money that would bring in each year. We're aiming for some $350 million for the whole project but taxes won't cover the entire price tag. The payoff will also be spread over some number of years. So yeah ... we're missing a few details. We could probably calculate a reasonable guess for the amount of cash we could expect to make annually from these taxes. Does anybody know where we can find detailed tax reports for Lincoln from 2008? As much as I don't like funding this project with tax dollars, at least the proposal only targets Lincolnites' discretionary spending. A property tax increase would have been a complete bust. Taxing restaurants will stir up a little fuss, but only briefly. Two percent will prove to not be worth the fight for most people. Let's take partial public funding of the arena project as a given. Can you think of a better way to fund it?

Give Me Liberty To Give Me Death?

By: Mr. Wilson on October 9, 2009
It's going to be interesting to see how Nebraskans react to Dallas Huston and his alleged role in assisting his roommate's suicide. People tend to be relatively forgiving of -- though generally still against -- assisting the suicide of terminally ill people. But a 22 year-old who apparently wasn't sick? I won't be surprised if some folks want to hang Huston as a murderer. I don't want to get into the morality of suicide as a general topic because that sort of issue isn't really the focus of this blog. (Though go there in the comments if you want, just keep it respectful.) Instead, I'm curious what the anticipated reaction of Nebraskans will be. How harshly will Nebraskans expect Huston to be prosecuted, if at all? How much of a role will the men's ages play in the reaction?

Adios, Lina’s

By: Mr. Wilson on October 9, 2009
It appears that Lina's on 10th Street has already closed, not long after an ad for the property appeared on Craigslist. The Missus and I tried to eat there last night, but we were too late. Although that's pretty terrible news, it sounds like the 70th and O location is still around. I can still get my favorite taco in town (pollo asado), I'll just have to drive farther out of my way to do it. Drat.

Do You Remember the September Snow?

By: Mr. Wilson on October 8, 2009
Lincoln's earliest snowfall came on September 29, 1985. I remember it very well, and that darn snow has distorted my perception of when winter weather is likely to begin ever since. Thanks to that September snow I pretty much take it as a given that it will snow in October. When we don't get any snow until December, I'm crushed. Do you remember September 29, 1985? Did it screw up your internal calendar as much as it screwed up mine? This topic arose because of this weekend's forecast. We could see measurable snow on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Normally I love snow, but when you're a soccer ref snow in October is a bad thing. I have 3 games on my calendar for Saturday and Sunday, and I expect at least one more to get added. I'm already rocking a nice chest cold so I'm sure this weekend's weather will do me wonders. Oh well. Them's the hazards of the job.

Bad Customer Service at Great Wraps

By: Mr. Wilson on October 8, 2009
Here's a customer service pop quiz for you. See if you can do better than the folks at Great Wraps in Westfield Gateway Mall. A customer comes to you carrying a plate containing an uneaten food item she purchased just moments before. She tells you this item, supposed to be served piping hot, is instead cold. She asks you to remake it. You: A) Apologize profusely, whip up a new item, and be sure it is acceptable before she takes it back to her table. Think about punching her punch card a couple extra times for the trouble. B) Grunt, put together a new item with minimal effort and send the woman on her way. C) Say "No". When pressed, over-nuke the item and act pissed off the entire time. You may have guessed that the man behind the counter opted for C last night. In what sort of bizarre customer service training are you taught to say "No" to a request that an item actually be prepared correctly? Anyway, this incident plus a couple others ends The Missus's days of patronizing Great Wraps. Good riddance to bad rubbish, as they say.

You’ve Gotta Fight For the Right to Inhale

By: Mr. Wilson on October 8, 2009
I may be 100% against any smoking ban on private property, but I still shake my head in disbelief when I see an outfit like Big John's Billiards continue its quixotic quest to repeal Nebraska's ban. The voters, legislators, and courts have spoken pretty clearly on this one. And the pool hall's argument is awfully lame; they say that the law's exceptions are unfair and unconstitutional. Whether or not that's true, many laws apply unequally to different businesses. Some businesses can sell alcohol (or certain types of alcohol) while others cannot; some businesses can sell food (or certain types of food) while others cannot. And so on. Anyway, I wish Big John's the best of luck battling a law I really hate. On the other hand, if they should somehow happen to win they'll never catch me stepping foot onto the premises. I'll happily applaud them from the clean air of the nearest comparable smoke-free establishment.

The State of the State Isn’t Great

By: Mr. Wilson on October 8, 2009
You know how you've been hearing more about the recession ending soon? Nebraska's state budget isn't out of the woods just yet:
General fund tax receipts through Sept. 30, the end of the first quarter of the two-year budget, are below projections for the quarter by $56.8 million, Heineman said. Gross general fund receipts for the month were $358 million, 9 percent below the forecast of $393 million.
Heineman will likely say no to any attempt to raise taxes or raid the cash reserve. That leaves few easy sources of savings. Suggestions, anyone?

Mr. Wilson Takes a Nap

By: Mr. Wilson on October 7, 2009
Sorry for the lame post today. I went up to Sioux Falls yesterday to ref a couple very chilly soccer games and I didn't get back until very late. Mr. Wilson is a tired boy. I do want to make one quick note. Yesterday I emphasized that we need to be skeptical of numbers being thrown around to support the arena and associated development. Today I see that even consultants concede they have no responsibility to tie their numbers to reality: "However, [study author Michael] O'Sullivan acknowledged, consultants are rarely hired to do postproject analysis to see whether their projections were right." Keep those grains of salt handy.

Put on Your Thinking Caps, Lincolnites

By: Mr. Wilson on October 6, 2009
It's time to put on your thinking caps and turn on your baloney detectors, Lincolnites, because the arena promises are really going to start rolling in now that "a Wisconsin sports consulting company" has said that "a new Lincoln arena and associated developments could generate $260 million in annual economic activity and create 1,200 jobs." I'll tell you up front: if you believe those numbers you're a fool. Here's why. First up, "sports consulting companies" exist to sell their services and to sell their products. They don't really have an incentive to lie, but they do have every incentive to be as rosy as possible in their predictions. Remember all of the insane predictions for the Archway out in Kearney? Same concept (although the Archway's predictions went far beyond rosy and into absurd territory). Always -- always -- remember that about these firms. One good way to judge the value of any individual consulting firm's predictions is to compare their past predictions with actual results. Hopefully one or more local media agencies can have somebody research that for us. Second, some of the numbers don't smell quite right. Consider the claim that the arena and associated projects would create 1,200 jobs. Yet the arena itself is only expected to offer 60 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions. That leaves 1,140 jobs unaccounted for. There's no way an arena that itself only supports 60 FTE could support 1,140 FTE outside its walls. It's therefore likely those 1,200 jobs are part-time. But what's a part-time job? .8 FTE? .5? .1? The fact is, the study authors cite an ambiguous and huge figure like "1,200 jobs" because it makes great press fodder. Can it actually happen? Color me skeptical. Last, these studies always seem to forget to mention that the money and jobs they cite won't just appear out of thin air. Yes, some of the money that an arena and associated projects would generate is new in the sense that people who would not have otherwise come to Lincoln will come here. But much of the money is merely transferred from somewhere else. Every $8 I spend on a hot dog at the arena is $8 I'm not spending at Oso Burrito; every $50 ticket I buy is $50 I'm not spending on other entertainment options. Again, some of that is a net win for Lincoln: if I stay in Lincoln rather than going to Omaha, Lincoln wins. But if I go to the arena rather than doing some other activity in Lincoln, the net gain to Lincoln is zero. I repeat: the big dollars cited by the study are not entirely new dollars. They're probably not even mostly new dollars. A substantial proportion is existing dollars redirected from somewhere else. A study that does not make that clear is being untruthful. Arena supporters -- including City officials, 2015 Vision, and so on -- must be honest with Lincolnites about the true economic impact the arena and associated projects will have. The arena will not exist in a vacuum. Lest you think I'm an anti-arena crank, let me remind you that I am generally supportive of the West Haymarket redevelopment plans. But I won't tolerate anything less than full disclosure about the true costs and benefits of the plan, at least as far as public dollars are concerned. You shouldn't either, supporter or not. So put on those thinking caps, Lincolnites, and grab those baloney detectors. Let's keep 'em honest.

Blinkin’ in Lincoln

By: Mr. Wilson on October 5, 2009
I had to do a little driving this weekend for soccer, so I decided to experiment and see how high I could push the gas mileage in my 2009 Hyundai Sonata. I'm no hypermiler but I did manage to average 37.5 mpg over 272 miles in a vehicle rated at 22 city / 32 highway. My trips took me from 48th and Highway 2 to Blair and back; to Abbott Sports Complex and back; and to Omaha and back. My peak average was 38.3 mpg. On the way back from Omaha late last night I reviewed my results while also dealing with the bizarrely inefficient late-night traffic light mess that is 84th Street. Talk about a fuel efficiency disaster. Not that 84th Street is alone; there are many traffic lights around the city that seem to continue with their usual routine, oblivious to the differences in traffic patterns at night. It's extraordinarily frustrating. I will neither confirm nor deny that at least one driver on the road last night treated a couple red lights as stop signs, proceeding after confirming there wasn't so much as a headlight anywhere in view. Why doesn't Lincoln "turn off" many of its traffic lights after a certain hour? There are oodles of opportunities for four-way flashing reds and flashing yellow/red combinations throughout the city. Another possibility is to decriminalize proceeding through a red light under certain conditions (e.g. time of day) after the driver has come to a complete stop and fully yielded to all other traffic. Would you go for either of those proposals? Would Lincolnites? Would the City?

Dear Lincolnites: Cut the Cattiness

By: Mr. Wilson on October 2, 2009
Mayor Chris Beutler wants us to play nicely, Lincolnites. If we do that, we will soon have a national championship basketball team. Or something like that. Beutler promoted two things in a speech yesterday. First, he pointed out that Lincoln has been a pretty darn good place to weather the recession, and it's a pretty darn nice place any old time. I tend to agree. He also argued for more "civility" in the city. Fair enough; incivility isn't doing the national health care debate any favors, and it's not likely to help things locally. In my own little bubble I haven't seen much of a local spike in incivility. Maybe I've ignored it, or maybe my bubble hasn't been big enough lately. I think the common sentiment is that incivility is high, so I'll assume the mayor isn't just being hypersensitive. Let this be a reminder to all of us to disagree without being disagreeable. Apropos of nothing, this comment from the LJS article made me chortle:
Did Mayor Seng finally have the sex-change op? You'd think so, based on the frump factor exhibited my the current mayoral iteration.
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