An Impossible Battle

By: Mr. Wilson on October 13, 2009
Quixotic [kwik-sot-ik] - adjective
  1. (sometimes initial capital letter) resembling or befitting Don Quixote.
  2. extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical, or impracticable.
  3. impulsive and often rashly unpredictable.
  4. Trying to convince high schoolers to stay away from a Westboro Baptist Church protest near the school.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 13, 2009 at 1:42PM

I’ve always felt that mocking is a much better way of shaming than ignoring.

October 13, 2009 at 2:08PM

Wouldn’t it be great if old Mr Phelps turned out to be gay? And he’s just been really overcompensating?

Mr. Wilson
October 13, 2009 at 2:22PM

Anecdotally at least there is a reasonably strong correlation between the fervor with which a person rails against something and the likelihood that the person is secretly involved with that thing. I have enjoyed observing the pattern for years.

October 13, 2009 at 3:49PM

It’s not just anecdotal, my friend:

Also, am I the only person who was always bothered that it isn’t “kee-yotic”, instead of “quix-otic”?

October 13, 2009 at 6:45PM


Go back to Canada, Frenchy.

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