Mission to 9 South Chargrill Aborted

By: Mr. Wilson on May 24, 2007
The Missus, Robbie, and I made it into 9 South Chargrill last night, but we didn't get seated. Their high chairs hadn't been delivered yet so we would have had to improvise with Robbie. There are some restaurants in which I would have been willing to wing it, but Robbie was a little cranky, there were a bunch of people in the restaurant, and we had no idea how quickly we would get our food and get out of there. I am the sort of parent who wants his kid to be able to adapt to unique situations, but not at the expense of other customers who just want to enjoy a nice meal. So we left and ate at Yia Yia's instead. A couple quick reactions. First, 9 South is pretty small. Did I say small? I meant cozy. In a good way. Most tables were full last night at 6. Service looked like it might have been a little slow -- not atypical for a new, local joint in the first couple weeks after opening -- though that perception was based on pretty limited evidence. The menu is mostly meat-based with a few vegetarian items. Prices were mostly in the $10-$20 range, if I remember correctly. I have a paper version of the menu at home that I need to scan for you. So that's strike 2 for the Wilsons at 9 South. We'll keep trying, though. If any of you make it there, please do report back.

You’re Paying For the Qwest (But Don’t Expect a Discount on Tickets)

By: Mr. Wilson on May 24, 2007
Lincoln was axed from the so-called Qwest Center Bill, so Lincoln's proposed arena and/or convention center won't see any tax assistance for now. Senator Bill Avery and others hope to change that next year. For now, about $1.4 million that could have gone to programs across the state will now be funneled to the Qwest to pay off construction bonds. Funny, I don't recall the Qwest's supporters including a discussion of the facility's reliance on state tax support when they made their pitches before it was built. Norfolk Senator Mike Flood proposed the bill. Why is a Senator from Norfolk spearheading a bill that benefits Omaha? Senator Flood says that the Qwest is a "gem for all Nebraskans", and that the Qwest deserves state tax support because Nebraskans from across the state use the facility. I don't follow. Why should every Nebraskan have to help subsidize private interests through the use of public funds? Shouldn't those who use the facility be the ones to pay for it? Lincolnites need to think about these issues because we will be dealing with them very soon. How much tax support as a Lincolnite or a Nebraskan are you willing to give to the proposed arena and/or convention center? For how long?

Rain and Skeeters

By: Mr. Wilson on May 24, 2007
I haven't noticed any mosquito armies this year -- and thank goodness for that. I'm generally an insect fan, but nobody sucks my blood without my permission. That's just rude. Have you folks in other parts of Lincoln noticed a rush of the little buzzing bozos thanks to May's heavy rains? Speaking of heavy rains, my rain gauge showed over 1.25 inches this morning, while KLIN was reporting 68 hundredths at their station. I'm just glad we got some moisture. I had held off on watering my garden because the forecast promised rain Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. When I looked outside this morning my plants seemed very pleased by the overnight shower.

Lincoln, Nebraska is…

By: Mr. Wilson on May 24, 2007
  1. ...a great place to live and work.
  2. ...in the Central Time Zone.
  3. ...a fast growing community with friendly neighborhoods, low crime rates, a great health care system and an excellent educational system.
  4. ...the tenth healthiest city for pregnancy according to BabyFit.com’s list of Top 100 Cities for Healthy Pregnancies.
  5. ...the state capital and second largest city in Nebraska.
  6. ...located in Lancaster County.
  7. ...a community of 215928 people and is the home of Nebraska Wesleyan University.
  8. ...recognized nationally for its football team from the University of Nebraska.
  9. ...very, very radical when it comes to encouraging poor people to have babies the public schools give people backpacks of food to encourage the poor people with babies to have more of them and additionally as was discussed before they offer free-baby care to high-schoolers who have babies.
  10. ...squarely in the middle, say observers.
So sayeth Google.

Free Hugs!

By: Mr. Wilson on May 23, 2007
Did anybody get a hug? Did you see the hug guy and just walk or drive right on by?


By: Mr. Wilson on May 22, 2007
I'm best man in a wedding this weekend, so I need to prepare a speech for the reception. I already have most of it thought out, but I figured I should see if any of you have any advice for me. I already have some of the basics:
  • Keep it short.
  • Do not give a speech while drunk.
  • Beware the fine line between funny and cringe-inducing.
Anything else?

Rocky Mountain Hi, What Are You Doing Here?

By: Mr. Wilson on May 22, 2007
I sat across from John Denver on the bus this morning. Well, a dead ringer (sorry), anyway. I really wanted to ask for an autograph but I decided that would be rude. I'll add that to my list of celebrity sightings around Lincoln. For example, a couple summers ago I had repeated sightings of Ice Man eating a burrito at Chipotle. Still no Elvis sightings, though.

Governor Heineman Hates Women and Children

By: Mr. Wilson on May 22, 2007
The headline might be a stretch, but it got your attention, right? Governor Heineman used his veto pen yesterday to eliminate over $40 million from the state's $2 billion two-year budget. That's about 2%. None of the vetoes are all that substantial, relatively speaking, which makes it all the more humorous when Gov. Heineman brags about his vetoes demonstrating fiscal restraint. Yeah, well, sort of, but he could have cut a lot more -- axing entire programs, for example -- if he had wanted to. But there was no political need since the state's budget forecast is starting to perk up. The headline, by the way, refers to Heineman's veto of $120,000 for a prostitute diversion program; $5.4 million from special education; and $1.3 million from the Education Department.

Kennel Commotion

By: Mr. Wilson on May 22, 2007
Current city ordinance bars all commercial kennels from within city limits. A new proposal would change that policy. Existing kennel owners are fighting the proposal because they say it is unfair. Why should new businesses get to play by different rules. But they should be careful about what they're protesting; if Lincoln annexes their land, they will instantly be out of business. I propose a compromise plan: block kennels from opening within today's city limits, but allow them beyond that (even when the city expands). Good idea? Awful idea?

What Does My Garden Grow?

By: Mr. Wilson on May 21, 2007
I finally managed to get my flowers and vegetables planted over the weekend. I wish I knew more about flower gardens. I happen to like marigolds and many of the other drug store parking lot classics, but I know there is so much more out there. Does SCC offer a quick-and-dirty flower garden course? I'm a little more confident in my vegetable garden -- but just a little. This year I put in:
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 4 bell peppers
  • 4 Italian grilling peppers
  • 1 super chile
  • 3 cayennes
  • 3 jalapenos
  • 1 habanero
  • 2 zucchini
  • 1 yellow squash
  • 2 cucumbers
I'm hungry already. I don't know why I put in an habanero again. The last time I had habaneros I nearly killed Mr. T with one. Maybe I'll use them as ornamentals. By the way, I have room for two more plants (one in sunny, dry, fine soil and one in partly shady, heavy clay soil) so if you have some suggestions, fire away. The sage bush I planted two years ago is big and beautiful right now with its pretty purple flowers. I'm not the only one who likes it; the sage has its own bumble bee pal who hangs around all day, every day. The bee and I got to know each other pretty well yesterday since we worked so close to each other for a couple hours. In addition to the sage, I have a thriving basil plant, some struggling rosemary, and a ton of cilantro. Next project: building a small retaining wall and bringing in several cubic yards of dirt. After that: install a picket fence. It's going to be a busy summer.

Follow the Crowds

By: Mr. Wilson on May 21, 2007
Admit it, a bunch of you spent a lot of time mingling with crowds this weekend. Raise your hands: How many of you went to Lowe's? How about the Extreme Makeover house? (I stopped by Lowe's on Sunday morning.)

Flashy New Signs

By: Mr. Wilson on May 21, 2007
Have you noticed the new electronic billboards popping up around town? I have seen two: one near 56th and Old Cheney, and the other near 48th and Normal. Are there others? What's your opinion of them?
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