Governor Heineman Hates Women and Children

By: Mr. Wilson on May 22, 2007
The headline might be a stretch, but it got your attention, right? Governor Heineman used his veto pen yesterday to eliminate over $40 million from the state's $2 billion two-year budget. That's about 2%. None of the vetoes are all that substantial, relatively speaking, which makes it all the more humorous when Gov. Heineman brags about his vetoes demonstrating fiscal restraint. Yeah, well, sort of, but he could have cut a lot more -- axing entire programs, for example -- if he had wanted to. But there was no political need since the state's budget forecast is starting to perk up. The headline, by the way, refers to Heineman's veto of $120,000 for a prostitute diversion program; $5.4 million from special education; and $1.3 million from the Education Department.


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