End of (School) Days?

By: Mr. Wilson on October 23, 2007
The Board of Education meets today to decide the fate of Hawthorne and Dawes. What's your druthers? What's your prediction? I think Hawthorne's fate is clear: it will close as an elementary school and be reused for another educational purpose. My guess is it will eventually house the Bryan Community, and perhaps other programs like the vocational assessment center. As far as I've been able to determine, those sound like good uses for the building. The confusion swirling around the closing of Dawes makes that school's future uncertain. That is why I cannot support the school's closure at this time. The status quo may not be perfect, but at least it's a known quantity. School Board members are still far too wishy-washy on Dawes for me to trust them to close the school without unexpected long- (or even short-) term consequences.

Down By the Bay

By: Mr. Wilson on October 22, 2007
I heard a rumor that Manila Bay has reopened Downtown near Kuhl's. Can any of you Downtown regulars help confirm that?

El Rancho

By: Mr. T on October 22, 2007
image Had an opportunity to eat at El Rancho (27th and O st.) last week, and also met the family which owns it, who relocated from Los Angeles to Lincoln a few years ago. Although El Rancho offers the usual lunch special suspects, we opted to try some of the specials. The son recommended the Arrachera Poblana (grilled steak smothered with cheese and mild peppers) and Pollo Estilo Norteño (strips of grilled chicken breast with peppers, mushrooms, and tortillas – pictured above). How was the food? I will let this drool-worthy photo speak for itself. We left El Rancho absolutely stuffed and barely able to walk through the parking lot. Great food, friendly service, and nice atmosphere. I will definitely be going back.

The “Best” of Lincoln

By: Mr. Wilson on October 22, 2007
KFOR's annual Best of Lincoln supplement is in the print copy of today's Journal Star. Sorry paper-phobic folks; KFOR hasn't yet joined the 21st Century, so no online version for you. Although a Best of Lincoln designation makes for great advertising, the awards are really more about name-recognition and absolute number of customers than quality, value, and service. Every year some categories are right on, while others seem laughably out-of-whack. Half the fun of looking through the supplement is judging for yourself how screwy your friends' and neighbors' tastes really are. Just one example: in "Fast Food", Burger King placed third. Really, Lincoln? Out of all of the fast food options in town, Burger King is the third best? I find that difficult to swallow. Anyway, for those of you who are willing to risk a paper cut to see which local companies you and your neighbors voted "best" in Lincoln, which categories' winners look right this year? Which look out of whack? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Two Reasons I Like the Devaney Center

By: Mr. Wilson on October 22, 2007
I went to the Devaney Center this afternoon to watch the Huskers dismantle Hawaii. It was a great atmosphere to be a part of, and I'm proud to say I was one of the 13,396 fans to break the NCAA regular season volleyball attendance record. Woohoo! While there, I noticed two things that I really like about the Devaney Center. First, the concession stands, though inadequate in number, are intelligently positioned so that the lines go away from walking areas. Contrast that with the situation at Qwest Center Omaha. The designer of that facility should have his body hairs plucked one-by-one as penance for being stupid enough to think that the same space can act as both a walkway and a place for lines to form. Second, despite the facility being at near-capacity, we made it from the second-to-last row to the front door in mere minutes. No frustrating waiting in my seat or on the stairs means I leave happier -- and thus more likely to return. I also liked my comfy bench. I had plenty of butt room and plenty of leg room, and moving people through the rows was relatively easy. Try saying that about the seating in a modern arena. Unfortunately, I know any new arena in Lincoln will have crappy plastic seats that pinch your butt and offer zero legroom. That makes me think of a great way to sell advertising in the new arena. Forget naming rights, typically one of the easiest ways to raise cash for a facility. Instead, sell the rights to this phrase: The four inches of extra legroom in Lincoln's Arena are brought to you by [some company]. I would patronize the heck out of that company.

Halloween Events

By: Mr. Wilson on October 19, 2007
What are your favorite Halloween-related events around town? I haven't really been into Halloween for a few years, so I'm behind the times. A couple old reliables: Those are mostly events for young kids. Any to add to the list? What are the best events for older kids and adults?

Tolls on I-80

By: Mr. Wilson on October 19, 2007
I didn't realize anybody was seriously considering turning I-80 between Lincoln and Omaha into a toll road. Apparently it's a big enough threat that Lee Terry feels the need to legislate against it. He says states shouldn't be able to charge tolls on roads already built with federal dollars. Personally, I think tolls are a great way to get money directly from the people who use a service. Who better to pay for maintenance and improvements on roads than the roads' users? Of course, it would be easy to take the next step of using tolls to pay for all sorts of other projects. The Lincoln Arena funded by I-80 travelers, anyone?

Public Enemy

By: Mr. T on October 18, 2007
The Lincoln Turco Star has a new story on some young entrepreneurs who are trying to establish hip-hop entertainment here in town. They also kindly hit us over the head remind us about how hip-hop is associated with crime and violence. But of course.
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