I am disturbed. Somebody arrived at Lincolnite looking for yak urine fertilizer. Not only that, but Lincolnite is the #1 result. Which was the offending page? Why, a rant about bad chili at Bison Witches, of course.
And just to clarify, I finally got up the nerve to go to Bison Witches again about a month ago. The chili was excellent.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
This is a horrible place to put this, I know, but I can’t seem to find a help email anywhere.
I keep trying to register with my email - [e-mail removed for Karin’s security] - and it says it’s sending me an email with a confirmation, but it never arrives.
I wanna be a member! please help.
On another note, I wonder if I’ll be able to convince my hubby to go to Bision Witches instead of Jimmy Johns for lunch today?
Karin, sorry about the troubles. It’s possible that Hotmail thinks the confirmation e-mail is spam. I have gone ahead and activated your account, so that’s taken care of. I also sent you an e-mail through the system just to see if you receive it.
Did you also try to register as Nirak? I activated that account, too. Let me know which one you want to keep and I’ll dump the other one.
I’ll keep the “Karin” account.
Thank you so much!
Yak Urine Fertilizer
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