There's a lot to be said about the same-sex marriage debate, but since so little of it is what I would consider a Lincoln-related issue I won't go that direction right now. But I do want to bring up the plight of Bambi and Sarah Fentress, two women who are married in Iowa but who can't change their last name here in Nebraska as easily as a married couple can because their Iowa marriage isn't recognized here. You might ask, "Can't one of them just change her name through the traditional name-change process?". Well yes. But they don't want to do that. It's too expensive, and besides, there's the principle of the matter.
I can't help them with the principle. They're fighting Nebraska's Constitution. Want to take on the Constitution? Go right ahead, but then you're really talking about some costs.
I looked up Nebraska's name-change process. It's very straightforward, and at $82.00 not outrageously expensive. Consider it a fancy dinner with appetizers, dessert, and some wine. I imagine quite a few folks would step up to help cover that cost.
I know, I know, it's the principle of the thing. If the Fentresses want to fight that fight, more power to them. I'm just saying the name change process isn't out of reach.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I sure hope that track athlete from South Africa doesn’t come here… someone will get a massive headache.
Couldn’t help but laugh at this one.
Is sitting on the back of the bus that bad?
Is letting your husband vote for you that big a deal?
Like I always say…
When you have a choice to make, the path of least resistance is normally the best.
Word to live by kiddies.
I want to click a “Like” button.
I hope I didn’t come off sounding like that. I have lots to say on this topic, but most of it isn’t particularly germane to this blog. The part that is relevant, both to this blog and to the Fentresses’ current problem: changing one’s name in Nebraska isn’t particularly difficult. So that’s what I stuck with.
Now as for that little constitutional amendment and the myriad other issues surrounding the topic of marriage? That all gets my libertarian blood a boilin’. But it’s not a rant I want to get into here.
“I hope I didn
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