You Bring the Net, I’ll Bring the Hefty Bags

By: Mr. Wilson on April 12, 2010
I took Daisy the Wonder Schnoodle for a walk yesterday morning. Can you tell from the picture where we went? Daisy by a creek Did you guess Wilderness Park? Well, you're wrong. This photo was taken on the north side of Beal Slough, just east of 40th Street. Walking along the creek makes for a great Sunday morning excursion. Bring your ear plugs, though, because the noise can be deafening. Not from the traffic on nearby Highway 2 -- although that can get loud -- but from all the birds that hang out in the area. There were a whole bunch of trees cut off like the ones you see in this photo. Can any of you nature lovers confirm or deny that as beaver activity? Beal Slough certain doesn't strike me as prime beaver territory, but what do I know? Shelter made from wood Along the south side of the creek you will stumble across several contraptions, holes, and blinds like this one. At first glance I thought I had stumbled across some sort of campsite for homeless people. But then evidence on the scene revealed the structures' true purpose: paintball wars. Somebody has been having a lot of fun deep in the grass. Trash in the creek That brings me to this final picture. Thanks to renovations over the past several years, Beal Slough is a much more pleasant creek than it used to be. Unfortunately, since it collects runoff directly from area neighborhoods it picks up its share of trash. Most of the creek is actually pretty clean, but there are spots like this one where the garbage gets held up. Do any of you happen to have a good way to collect this garbage from the creek? Nets? Hip waders? I'll bring the Hefty bags!


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

April 12, 2010 at 1:57PM

It’s hard to tell exactly from your pic, but the stump of a beaver fell tree should have hundreds of crescent shaped gnaw marks. Your stump appears to have larger slices in the cuts. Looks like axe work to me.

I’m not a biologist, and I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I’d say “not beaver.”

Mr. Wilson
April 12, 2010 at 2:03PM

I considered an axe or hatchet. The cuts just seemed so low to the ground. If somebody used an axe, they must’ve had a sore back afterwards from bending over like that 😊

April 12, 2010 at 2:46PM

I don’t think the beavers can stack that well, either. LOL

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