I don't think he has a pizza's chance in a room full of graduate students, but mayoral candidate Roger Yant's latest ideas are worth noting:
- Set up police substations in the public schools and staff them with six officers. Yant would use existing officers, rather than hiring additional officers
- Get LPD involved with initiative 287g, which would allow LPD officers to carry out immigration law functions typically handled by the feds. Yant would fire Police Chief Tom Casady if Casady did not want to get involved.
- Move the Harold Warp Pioneer Village from Minden to Lincoln.
To me, these three proposals clearly illustrate why Roger Yant is not qualified to lead our community. In addition to being extremely expensive, the first proposal would draw police officers out of the community, and it would practically turn public schools into de facto prisons. The second proposal's merits are debatable, but Yant's propensity to threaten to fire anybody and everybody who disagrees with him is obnoxious. And the third idea is downright bizarre. Trying to increase tourism dollars in Lincoln is fine, but if you're going to propose stealing a small town's attraction, shouldn't you at least run the idea by the folks who will be affected before making it a campaign plank?
I sincerely appreciate Mr. Yant's efforts, and I'm glad he is trying to bring some new ideas to the mayor's race. I just don't think he has what it takes to lead a community of nearly 250,000 people.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
It’s just another Yant Rant.
“Yant Rant.”
Heh, heh.
I couldn’t believe this when I read the paper this morning. The police in the schools idea is an expensive solution. Why not lock schools and configure them so visitors have to check in before entering the school? Heck of a lot cheaper than moving police into the schools.
The Pioneer Village thing is weird, considering he didn’t involve them in the discussion.
I don’t understand the need for his second plank.
I’ve been a loose supporter of Yant, pretty much by default (since Svoboda and Beutler are cookie cutter politicians and do nothing for me), but these three ideas come from way out in right field.
1. Our schools do not need to be small police precincts. I could sort of understand this idea, if Lincoln was a large city with regular violence in schools. But it’s not.
2. I also don’t agree with the threat to fire anyone that disagrees. Casady has been a decent fire chief, and it would be a shame to lose him because he disagrees with a new policy. I wouldn’t mind LPD doing something other than having 30-officer speed traps and giving out parking tickets, but I’m not sure the residents of Lincoln want their officers to become immigration officers.
3. WTF?
Casady has been a decent fire chief…
And not too shabby as police chief, either. 😊
Most don’t know, but Casady has also been the acting fire chief for quite a while now. 😉
...but clearly the fire truck scandal has had lasting implications, including those on my consciousness.
Just got back from the mayoral candidate forum. Yant said every household in Lincoln should install a urinal to conserve water.
“Just got back from the mayoral candidate forum. Yant said every household in Lincoln should install a urinal to conserve water.”
Seriously? Heck, why not shoot the moon and go for outhouses?
An outhouse in every yard. Now that’s a campaign slogan!
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