Winding Down

By: Mr. Wilson on January 16, 2006
Ahh, the three-day weekend is winding down. What a great weekend it was! The highlight of my weekend was taking Daisy for a long walk out at Wilderness Park yesterday afternoon. We had a blast. About half the time we stayed on the walking trails, and the other half we followed deer trails and even walked down into the creek bed. Wilderness Park is one of Lincoln's greatest assets; I hope we protect it, and I'd even like to see us build upon it. Unfortunately, The Missus is down and out today. She was supposed to go to work. She made it as far as getting up and taking a shower. Now she's sitting on the couch watching Oprah, aching, shivering, and pretty much feeling miserable. I love that The Missus and I share pretty much everything in our lives, but I wouldn't mind if she keeps this particular little bug to herself. I hope to have a couple new articles posted sometime this week. Look for reviews of Scrumpy Jacks and Blue Orchid, and maybe another article or two.


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