Widescreen Delight

By: Mr. Wilson on July 30, 2007
I made a few business-related purchases at Best Buy over the weekend. First, I needed to pick up a webcam so I could do videoconferencing with some folks I'll be working with beginning in the next couple weeks. I haven't researched webcams in years, and boy have they changed. I ended up with a Logitech QuickCam Orbit. It seems to work very nicely, and it wasn't nearly as expensive as I was afraid it would be (less than half the cost of this vendor for example). I also picked up a headset that will work both for videoconferencing and for making phone calls through Skype. My big purchase was a new 22" widescreen monitor. Best Buy was selling them for $70 cheaper than anybody else, so I went ahead and made the purchase. It isn't the highest quality monitor out there -- though it really isn't bad -- but I don't need the highest quality at this point. I just want cheap surface area, and that's what I got. Now when I pair that monitor with my laptop I have 3,600 pixels of spacious widescreen real estate. Very nice. Now I just need to get a comfy office chair and my workspace will be pretty much complete. Maybe Robbie can get that for his dad for Christmas.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 30, 2007 at 1:22PM

big monitor, drooool…....

Multiple desktops are really nice.  I would rather have two screens than one big one.  Sometimes the really big tv/monitors cannot do high resolutions, regular ones can.

Mr. T
July 30, 2007 at 1:28PM

Nice. Dual monitoring is the way to go for sure. I was over there briefly this weekend too.

Now that you’ve got a digital recorder I expect to see your production of “I’ve got a crush on Ron Paul” up on youtube soon.

Dave K
July 30, 2007 at 2:04PM

Are those monitors really OK for the price?  I saw them in the Best Buy ad yesterday.  I have a desire to run dual 22” monitors, and I’ve had the Samsungs on my mind. But if the difference in quality isn’t worth the extra $200 then I would go with these, even though it’s a little sooner than I was going to do it.

Mr. Wilson
July 30, 2007 at 2:14PM

Honestly, it’s hard to say, Dave. For me, the quality is good enough, especially when the alternative is so much more expensive. But if you’re a videophile or a designer who needs impeccable color precision, I probably wouldn’t recommend it. Best Buy has a demo monitor on display next to lots of other monitors. That isn’t a perfect way to see if its quality meets your needs, but it will give you an idea.

Mr. T
July 30, 2007 at 2:36PM

Dave K - On Lincoln’s craiglist someone is selling a new 19” LCD monitor by v7 (dated July 10) for $150. I have this same model as my main monitor and have been impressed. I am not a professional designer or photographer, but for the casual home user I would recommend it for the price.

Dave K
July 30, 2007 at 3:21PM

Thanks guys.  I currently have a 19” LG that has been fantastic for three years, but I’m ready to move on.  I’m neither a videophile nor a designer, I just like the space.  Since I’m used to dual monitors at work, I’d like to set them up at home.  I’ll also be using one of the monitors to watch movies and the occasional TV show, since I will be getting rid of my TV soon. I will probably pass on the Acers for now, but I may go and check them out some time this week.

July 30, 2007 at 5:33PM

There are some nice Samsungs with good resolution on Newegg.com.

Dave K
July 30, 2007 at 6:13PM

The 226BW is the one I’ve had my eye on.  It seems to be the best 22” monitor in the $300 range.

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