Who’s Counting?

By: Mr. Wilson on August 17, 2010
I'm glad to see the Lancaster County Fair reached 140,000 visitors this year. That's a pretty impressive number, even if it's not the 50% increase over last year's 107,000 that organizers had hoped for. I just have one teeny, tiny little question: Who was counting? I would love to know the methodology used to come up with the "140,000" figure. Was it based on the number of tickets collected? If so they missed us and everybody we know. Was it based on the number of tickets distributed? If so they counted families I know who got tickets but didn't attend. Was it based on the number of vehicles? If so that's impressive considering none of the parking personnel seemed to carry a counter. Was it based on revenue generated? If so I'm curious what kind of math they used to make their estimate. My point is not to criticize the fair or it's organizers. I'm genuinely curious how they came up with their numbers. Based on my very limited experience at the fair I'd say it was a success regardless of the attendance figures, although I'll repeat my assertion that I think 10 days is too long for a good, "dense" fair experience. I'm curious what kinds of improvements they'll make for next year. Improving the fair while keeping it free is going to be a constant challenge.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 18, 2010 at 3:44AM

Our family, in various configurations with various friends, passed through the fair gates a total of 4 different times. I’m wondering if we were counted visit/person.

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