Who Likes the Puzzles and Games?

By: Mr. Wilson on November 4, 2006
Hey everybody, a little opinion poll here. Do you like the puzzles and games I post every now and then? Which do you like? Which could you do without? What kinds of puzzles and games haven't I done that you would like to see? I'm particularly interested in hearing from those of you who enjoy playing along, but who don't post answers (or guesses) in the comments. I enjoy making up puzzles and riddles and things, but they do take some time to create. I prefer to spend my time creating things y'all enjoy.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

November 5, 2006 at 4:08AM

I think they’re really cool actually.  I never play along simply because I’m not “Lincoln-aware” enough to get any answers (i.e., I’m kinda dumb at them.)  But definitely keep ‘em up, and one of these days I’ll get a few.

November 5, 2006 at 11:27PM

I love them!  They make me think and it’s fun to learn things about Lincoln.  Keep them up!

Maybe you could do a contest where someone (or you) posts a photo of some feature of a Lincoln place and people try to guess where it is.

Mr. T
November 5, 2006 at 11:58PM

Maybe you could do a contest where someone (or you) posts a photo of some feature of a Lincoln place and people try to guess where it is.

I believe that may be in the works.

Mr. Wilson
November 6, 2006 at 1:33AM

Yeah, Mr. T has been bugging me about ideas along those lines for ages, right T? 😊 Now that soccer season is over I’ll get my rear and gear and put together some photo puzzles/quizzes.

Mr. T
November 6, 2006 at 3:08AM

Oh yes…I’ve got some good ones in mind already.

November 6, 2006 at 9:28PM

I think they kick butt.  but it provides an important service on blogtopia.  Getting people to take part in the blog experience, get them involved.

Oh and the hours of agony when I cannot figure one out and nobody else has, you wait, and wait till you get the notification that someone responded and eventually they all get answered and you can finally sleep.  i tell ya it drives me crazier-er 😉

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