Where’s Robbie?

By: Mr. Wilson on April 27, 2010
Over the weekend we heard through the grapevine that Robbie is featured prominently in a photographic display somewhere in Lincoln. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to find out where in Lincoln the apple of my eye is hiding. IMG_3699 IMG_3630 Here are a couple hint photos to help you identify him. I haven't seen the display yet, but I'm told the photo of Robbie is from a while ago so look for a slightly younger version of him. I'm also told he's busy as a bumblebee in the photo. That being said, he's apparently very recognizable from the display; Robbie went to see his photo yesterday and an employee at the site of the display immediately recognized him and said, "Look, it's the boy!". So what's your incentive for tracking him down? I'll send you a $20 gift certificate to the location of the display, or to any locally-owned/operated business of your choice. I'm only aware of one of these displays in town, but in the event there are more I'm going to limit the prize to a single winner. I'm not rich, ya know! Also, employees of the site of the display are not eligible. That wouldn't be fair, would it? To help you out I've dropped a few clues. Good luck!


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

April 27, 2010 at 8:12PM

I am just playing along. Have not been there since Halloween, but they have a bee hive.

April 28, 2010 at 3:09PM

From the hints, I would guess Applebees.

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