Boy, I sure haven't been posting very much lately, have I? Frickin' slacker.
I was swamped at work this past week, both 8-to-5 and in the evenings on three different nights. And my weekends are filled with indoor soccer games. This is the last weekend for indoor, but outdoor starts in a couple weeks. Then I'll be even more swamped. Oh well, the money's decent.
I have also been silent in part because I have been working on a project that I'm dying to talk about ... but I can't. At least not right now. Hopefully I'll be able to say something about it sometime late during the week of March 7. It is difficult to blog about anything else when this single topic is dominating my attention.
I suppose I could comment on the Future of Lincoln event I attended on Thursday. Short background: it was a "deliberative democracy" event in which a group of Lincolnites gathered to discuss various economic development and quality of life issues. The evening also included a panel Q&A featuring several prominent community leaders answering questions from the participants.
I didn't see much of the group discussions involving the participants, but I did attend the panel Q&A. It was fascinating to see how frustrated the panel was over the participants' lack of knowledge of things like the Antelope Valley Project. The panel couldn't seem to believe that despite all the community events that have been held, Lincolnites don't know and love every tiny little bit of the Antelope Valley Project. On several occasions panel members stated explicitly or implicitly "If you don't know more about these things, it's your own damn fault. Lincoln has done its best to educate you."
Which may be true. Lincoln may have done its best to inform its citizens about these topics. But shouldn't the fact that so many Lincolnites don't have a clue what the Antelope Valley Project (et al.) is all about tell Linc
oln's leaders something? Clearly current methods aren't working. One solution is to get frustrated and blame the citizens for their unwillingness to attend umpteen community meetings. That seems to be the preferred solution of Lincoln's civic leaders. A better solution is to evaluate the city's current methods to determine if they are, truly, optimal.
I could go on. In fact, I probably should go on, but this topic deserves a post of its own. Besides, it's a beautiful Sunday morning and Daisy wants to play. What kind of person would I be if I disappointed a puppy?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Come on. I know you also did some research on the BTK killer this weekend as well. Admit it….you’re fascinated by the guy…
Nah, the BTK guy doesn’t interest me all that much. That’s probably because I don’t know much about his crimes, though. Besides, the guy is an idiot. He was caught not so much because of the excellence of the investigation, but because of his own arrogance. Not that I’m belittling the investigators, mind you. They did a great job. But Mr. BTK sure made their job easier by sending out fresh letters.
How would you like to be the guy’s wife right now? In addition to marrying an anal-retentive prick, she also married a serial killer. I bet she had a really crappy weekend.
Yeah, I’m going to wait at least 2 weeks before I hit on her.
You are a bad, bad man.
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