I thought this was going to be a challenging one, but certainly not impossible. I have great faith in the extent to which Lincolnites seem to know every corner of this city. Good going Bobby for JT! It was indeed Rudge Memorial Park at 14th and Lake street behind BryanLGH West. This is otherwise known as the old Lake Street Lake, which is also haunted. Eerie!
This means that if Bobby for JT is the first to correctly guess next week's photo, we will get him/her a pogocard.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Can we do this one in the form of 20 questions?
The wall at Lake Street Lake
It’s behind the baby elm tree.
Holy cow! I thought I would have this one for sure! You’re right—14th & Lake
This group never ceases to amaze me!
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