This was a hard one, and many of you guessed well and thought it was the torn notebook on UNL's City Campus. Instead, it was indeed the back of the NET building on UNL's East Campus. Good job lisa!
This means that if lisa is the first to correctly guess the location of the next photo, we will get her a pogocard.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
the NET building from behind a satellite dish?
I think Lisa is correct.
How about the Temple Building (aka Johnny Carson Theater) with the Torn Notebook in the foreground?
Off topic, but the comments for the Weekend Wrap Up doesn’t work for me.. anyone else?
And I’m agreeing w/ the torn notebook in the foreground.. it’s what I thought of instantly.
Oops, the Weekend Wrap-Up post was confused for a while. All fixed now.
And I agree, Torn Notebook was the first thing I thought of. It didn’t quite look like the Temple Building to me, though.
It’s still confused I fear.
It didn’t really look like the Temple Building to me either.
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