It was indeed the statue of Lincoln, chillin' in front of the Landmark Centre at 1010 Lincoln Mall, right outside the coho to go in the lobby. This means that if The Beerorkid Dude is the first to correctly guess next week's photo, we will get him a pogocard.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
State Capital West Side
That’s what I thought too, but the pictures I found of the statue have him looking down with a more somber facial expression. Is there more than one outside the Capital Bldg?
Around the general “face area”.
I actually know this one, but will leave for others. You can get a coffee behind him 😉
I don’t want to know where the coffee comes out of…
Lincoln Mall, in front of the University Foundation building.
I find it very unprofessional that he is not wearing his jacket. Does not even have a flag lapel pin either.
This pic cracked me up. They gave him some shade on one of the first warm days this spring.
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