I'm going to regret bringing this up, I just know it. Nevertheless...
While in Hastings on Saturday night I was ambushed by an incredible number of mosquitoes. While they gradually sucked every last ounce of fluid from my body I realized I couldn't remember swatting a single skeeter all summer in Lincoln. All those Friday nights at Southpointe; all those Sunday evenings at the Antelope Park bandshell; all those walks, and bike rides, and soccer games.
Am I suffering from a case of fuzzy memory, or has this been a particularly annoying bug-free summer in Lincoln?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I think your memory is playing tricks on you. I’ve been annoyed all summer. Last night on the Nacho Ride I felt bugs hitting my face pretty much the entire ride until it got dark.
I’ve been noticing the same thing - but with mosquitoes only. I HAVE been noticing a ton of spiders this year…maybe that has something to do with it?
I’ve only had a couple rides that made my face feel like a windshield. Blechh!
since misquitos and other pest buggers are attracted to the CO2 that you exhale, if you’re in relatively excellent shape (har har, im a pro triathlete *a tid-bit of wit*) then you require less oxygen (air) and exhale less frequently which means less CO2, which in turn: LESS MISQUITOS! i will say that yes, i haven’t had many bites in Lincoln, but last night’s ride through Wildnerness put about 40 little gnats and other critters in my eyes and down my windpipe. and the same goes for Mahoney & Platte River SP. [sorry i can’t hard break my test w/ my FeedReader, it doesn’t like me leaving comments—this is a huge run-on paragraph LOL!]
“my test” = “my TEXT” caffeinated fingers! AAHH!!
Did you end up running the Buffalo Run?
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