Good ol' Hawthorne Elementary. What should we do with you?
There are plenty of ideas floating around: turn it back into an elementary school; use it as a magnet school; use it for the Bryan Community; use it for district office space; sell it; and so on. 10/11 even reports that it could be sold to Bryan LGH, an option I've not heard before. I wonder if that's true, or if 10/11 just doesn't know the difference between Bryan Community and Bryan LGH.
I think my favorite option right now is using it for Bryan Community. I'm not sure why. I suppose I hear enough positive comments about Bryan that I think it's a program worth expanding. I could also get behind a magnet school concept of some sort.
The School Board will vote within the next 30 days so if you have new ideas you'd better toss them into the mix soon. What would you like to see happen to Hawthorne?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Not necessarily what should be done, but a likely scenario: Demolish the building and sell the land. Then, no less than 30 days later, propose purchasing some land and building a magnet school and/or replacement for the Bryan Community. Arrange bond vote for Christmas day!
This is off topic, but anyone know what going in where the old Junior high School was on Vine Street?
Whittier is now owned by UNL. It includes the new UNL child care facility, and it is being renovated for various other offices, labs, and that sort of thing.
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