What Would You Do With $100K?

By: Mr. Wilson on March 1, 2010
Let's say you have a spare $100,000 sitting around. For whatever reason, you have decided to give that money to the City of Lincoln. Not an organization within the city, mind you. The actual City itself. How would you want the money to be spent? I suspect most of your ideas will be in the areas of parks, recreation, and/or art. For my part I would love to see another playground in Lincoln on the scale of Antelope Park's playground. It wouldn't necessarily need to feature the same sort of equipment. Just something large and engrossing for kids. I would be happy to put my $100k toward something like that. I have oodles of other ideas. But I'll save them. For now I would like to hear from you. What would you do with your cash in this hypothetical scenario?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

March 1, 2010 at 3:02PM

You mean other than fixing potholes and building another arena? 😊

To be a little different, I would make some sort of grant program where students (or non-students) could apply for funding to go to competitions, camps, training or other learning events.

It could also “sponsor” community events like Ignite Lincoln, Special Olympics, Pinewood Bowl, or a day-at-the-park.

March 1, 2010 at 9:19PM

Red light cameras.  Seriously.

Crossing O Street downtown, especially at 14th and 15th, has become like Russian roulette.  I saw 4 red lights run today - 2 walking into work and 2 at lunch time.  At least 5 last week, all at 14th and O.

Drivers know there’s 2-3 second delay before the opposite light changes to green, so they accelerate through - completely red or red half way through.

Besides the revenue, once word got around the idiot drivers would be more considerate.

March 2, 2010 at 1:52AM

i’d have the money spent on summer parks and recreation programs, especially the pools.

Mr. T
March 2, 2010 at 1:59AM

Keep in mind of course that 100K really isn’t that much at all. That’s basically 2 full-time positions for a junior/mid level for about a year. Now if it was One…MILLION…dollars, that might be a different story.

I like Nate’s idea, get the most bang for your buck by supporting child or youth development activities of some sort that will ideally have some sort of life-long, beneficial impact. Invest the money in municipal bonds or something similar and place it in a fund to benefit selected or needed recipients in a sustainable fashion for as long as possible. Like a fund to send troubled kids to sports camp or band camp every summer or something like that.

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