Then: Mayor: No water restrictions this summer
Now: Lincoln Residents Asked to Conserve Water for Remainder of Summer
I can't understand why the City's voluntary water standards aren't more aggressively pushed every year. It's always a good thing to conserve water, drought or not. It's the socially- and environmentally-responsible thing to do. Individuals may have the occasional reason to deviate from the restrictions, and that's fine. But as a general rule every Lincolnite should exercise common sense water usage on their residential and commercial properties every day. Why not?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Because I like green grass? I am not an aggressiver over-waterer. I just won’t turn off the sprinklers completely and let my lawn die a slow, horrible, painful death.
How does limiting watering to 2 or 3 days per week lead to dead (or non-green) grass? A healthy lawn should survive just fine on a couple waterings.
Grass is a cool season plant. Its nature in the heat of the summer is to go dormant. Watering brings it out of dormancy, so if you water like I do, (Tue., Thur., and Sun.) then my grass is in a tug of war as it tries to go dormant.
So a brown lawn isn’t always a dead lawn, it is often just grass doing what it is supposed to do. Wait for the weather to cool in the fall and watch it turn a nice lush green.
If I was smart, I would turn my sprinklers off, but I have plants and trees that need to be watered so I run it enough to keep them alive.
It shouldn’t. Turning them off completely may, however. I water at about 4 am. I have a rain sensor on my system. I’m down with 3 days a week. I rarely wash my car, and almost never hose down my driveway (perhaps only if there’s something a broom or blower can’t handle). I know people who water 6-7 days a week and at hotter times of the day.
Any thoughts on Buffalo, Bermuda, Fescue or other strains of grass that would do well in our climate?
The two articles you posted aren’t, as they appear, in conflict, it’s just an example of poor headline writing.
the first opens wiht:
“The city won’t restrict water use this summer, but Mayor Chris Beutler is asking people to conserve water voluntarily.
“We need to practice good water conservation measures even though Lincoln continues to be blessed with an adequate supply of high-quality water,” he said at a news conference Thursday.
I think all three will work, depending on the variety, your lawn and what your expectations are.
I like that Buffalo requires little water and it grows slower, but many people don’t like it because it is a paler shade of green.
I had Bermuda when I lived in Kansas and it was extremely aggressive. Not at all conducive to accommodating any type of landscaping. It also was drought resistant.
Both Bermuda and Buffalo go dormant earlier in the fall and come out of dormancy later in the spring.
Take a look at Buffalo.
Buffalo seed or plugs can be a little pricey, but I really like it. I have zoysia in my yard and it’s really drought tolerant, but like Bermuda it can be really invasive.
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