Nebraskans and Lincolnites alike apparently think we're spending enough. Nebraskans shot down Amendment 1, the state senator pay raise, 55/45. I'm not too surprised by that. Voters have always seemed to think that low legislative wages encourage humble, "just like me" legislators, even though low wages actually keep out those folks. It will be interesting to see how the $12k salary and term limits interact over time.
Meanwhile Lincolnites killed the parks bond. I can't say I'm surprised. The bond faced an uphill battle since it got a late start, and it had the misfortune of following a huge school bond back in February. Sure the parks bond would only cost a cup of coffee per year, but Lincolnites have long been hesitant to approve bond issues. The loss does not bode well for any of the other bonds the Seng administration is looking at. In fact, the overall financial situation in Lincoln looks tricky for a while, with hundreds of millions in projects to be completed, but a sales tax shortfall to deal with and a public that feels like it is paying enough.
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