Wet and Wild

By: Mr. Wilson on August 14, 2006
I spent most of my weekend up in Fremont reffing soccer. I started with three games yesterday, and I made it through four games today. Today's games were mighty interesting, considering they were mostly played in the rain and mud. When the day began I didn't think there was any way we were going to make it through the slate of games. The rain was one thing, but the periodic lightning is what really kept us from going. But the lightning stopped around noon, and we managed to get in every single game. The quality of play wasn't anything too spectacular, generally speaking, though I did center a very competitive U-19 girls match that ended 1-0, and I was AR1 on an exciting U-18 boys match that the underdog won 3-2 by coming from behind in the second half. Speaking of reffing, I have received my first six assignments for the college soccer season. No centers yet, but I'm crossing my fingers. The current assignments only go through Labor Day, so there are still lots and lots of opportunities for me to get some centers this season.


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