Were Your Stones Bigger Than Mine?

By: Mr. Wilson on June 21, 2010
We didn't see a lot of hail at 625 Elm Street last night, and the hailstones we did see were pea-sized. Maaaaaybe dime-sized. But I've seen reports that some places around town saw hail in the golfball and baseball range. Did any of you see hailstones that large? Do you have any photos? As for the rain, I hope all your basements stayed dry. Ours did, or at least has so far. Knock on wood. Happy first day of summer!


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

June 21, 2010 at 2:57PM

A baseball-sized hail stone exploded a friend of mine’s windshield in the North Bottoms.

June 21, 2010 at 2:59PM

I can’t remember it ever raining this hard for this long!  I love thunderstorms, but I am feeling bad for flooded communities, farmers who can’t get into their fields, and people with hail damage.

Here’s a pic of the nickel-sized hail I got near 14th & Old Cheney last night.

June 21, 2010 at 3:13PM

Here’s a video of golf ball size hail NE of 27th and Superior:  http://bit.ly/8YJRL6

June 21, 2010 at 11:54PM

While they weren’t the size of baseballs, we got some fairly large hail over by East Campus. The largest stone shown here made a divot about 1.5 inches deep in the lawn.


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