Well Isn’t That Special

By: Mr. Wilson on September 22, 2010
You can thank this summer's Special Olympics National Games for an extra $218,000 in sales taxes over projections for the month of July. Mayor Beutler says this "demonstrates the importance of keeping and maintaining events in our City." And he's right, it's usually in our interests to host big events like that. I have to be "that guy" however and ask how much the Games cost the City in excess of normal expenditures. It seems like the City would have taken on extra expenses to put on something as big as the National Games. The LPD presence alone seems like it could have cost a pretty penny. Or perhaps any extra costs above and beyond the norm were covered via volunteerism, comp time, and that sort of thing. Regardless, $218,000 in extra sales taxes translates into a couple million in extra dollars floating around the city. That's ultimately good for all sorts of local businesses and their employees, which in turn is good for the city as a whole. Me, I came out of the event with a couple polos and a week-long fantastic experience. I'll take that.


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