Welcome Skaters!

By: Mr. Wilson on July 17, 2006
I love the USA Roller Sports National Figure and Speed Skating Championships. I haven't ever actually been to any of the events, and it's not the millions of dollars of economic activity the event generates that gets me excited. Rather, I love that Lincoln is the place the skaters dream about reaching. For a few thousand people from all over the country each year, Lincoln is a destination. That's so cool. I would like to see Lincoln run with that. For example, whatever form the new event center takes, it should totally embrace roller sports. It's a strength we could easily build on. I admit I'm a bit ashamed I have never been to any of the skating events. I hope to change that this year. The Missus and I hope to take Robert to Pershing for at least a little while. I'm not sure which event(s) we'll target, though. Any suggestions?


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