Water Woes

By: Mr. Wilson on March 6, 2007
I'm awfully surprised I hadn't noticed that our water stinks. I guess I just haven't been drinking very much tap water lately (I tend to drink a lot of milk in the winter). Oh well, I figure we've been pretty lucky with our drinking water in Lincoln. In some communities -- Crete, for example -- it's a good day when you can see the bottom of your glass. Yuck.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

March 6, 2007 at 4:06PM

Thank you for this link.  I did not see the article yesterday, but had been noticing the odor every time I would take a shower or wash my hands.  I even emailed a neighbor about the smell of the water, and he dismissed the idea that anything was different… So I was starting to wonder if it was just my nose that had changed.  😛

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