Watch Out World, He’s Mobile!

By: Mr. Wilson on October 20, 2006
Robbie added a new trick to his repertoire last night: he rolled! Not just front-to-back or back-to-front. He actually rolled about six feet. That was just shortly after he pulled a front-to-back-to-front combo for the first time. Frankly, I'm not sure if I should celebrate Robbie's new mobility, or lament the fact that the days of leaving him "just for a second" are over. Maybe we can train Daisy to grab him by the diaper and stop him if he starts rolling his way into trouble. Hmm... But seriously, way to go Robbie!


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Mr. T
October 20, 2006 at 6:31PM

Heh heh, good going Robby. Shortly things are going to get a little hectic at 625 Elm Street. Mobile kids = more mom and dad observation. By the way, have you seen the “baby’s first step” on MAD TV segment? Its on you tube. Its pretty good.

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