Warm Up Your Husker Power

By: Mr. Wilson on August 20, 2010
The Cornhusker Marching Band's annual post-Band Camp exhibition is tonight. The free performance starts at 7:00pm at Memorial Stadium. Normally a couple entrances on the west side are open, but if you can't figure out where to go just follow the crowd. If you really want to get the full experience, though, I recommend showing up outside Kimball Hall (behind Lied Center) by 6:30pm. There the band typically goes through its warm-up routine, followed by a march to the stadium. Take the kids, take the grandparents, take your friends. It's simple entertainment for an end-of-summer Friday night. I wish I could go but alas it isn't going to happen this year. One of our foster kids is receiving his yellow belt in taekwondo tonight, so we have a good excuse. Speaking of which: congratulations, kiddo!


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