
By: Mr. Wilson on April 25, 2007
After a rough evening Monday night, Robbie and I had a great boys night yesterday. While The Missus was away, we got all sorts of playing in. Most fun for dad was watching Robbie really try to walk from A to B rather than always dropping to the floor and crawling. It was also a hoot seeing how much Robbie thrives on praise. His face lights up when he knows he is going to receive applause or a big hug. (Think he'll still do that when he's 16?) I can hardly believe he'll already be one year next month. Time flies!


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April 25, 2007 at 9:23PM

Time does fly.  It was just yesterday that my youngest “baby boy” was born.  Even when they grow up and are much taller than you are, they’re still your little “baby boy.”
I’ll bet your mom still considers you her “baby boy” in some ways 😊

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