It's that time of year again! Soccer season fires up just six or seven weeks from now, so it's time for me to put out the word that we are always looking for new soccer referees. Whether you want to ref youth, high school, college, or adult amateur games (or better yet, all of the above), we would love to have you on board. You don't need soccer experience and you don't need to know the rules to apply. We'll get you all trained up and ready to go. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you are interested or if you would like more information.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
You forgot to add that you need to enjoy being yelled at and occasionally threatened or spit on. (I was a soccer referee for several years, and I did plenty of high school and college games before tiring of the constant abuse. Now I just dish it out as a player)
I used to play and ref soccer, and can see just fine. Sorry, I’m not qualified. 😊
Persons in your situation have been known to suffer blindness immediately upon acquiring a referee badge. There are only two known cures: becoming a coach and/or becoming a spectator.
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