I won't say too much about the District semifinal I reffed at Seacrest last night except this: it was a very fun, very engaging game, and the players kept me very busy for all 80 minutes. I probably ran as much as I have ever run in a soccer match, both because of the style of play being utilized by both teams (very fast, very aggressive), and because I had to always keep near play to prevent the guys from beating on each other any more than necessary. I ended the match with five yellow cards, my high for the season.
My father recently purchased a GPS device for runners so that he can track his movement patterns and distance traveled while reffing. I wish I had had the device last night. I'll bet I covered 5-7 miles over the course of the match. I almost never stood still, and my opportunities to walk were pretty rare. I have the District final match on Friday and I'm hoping they won't make me run quite so much. If one of the teams gets in that I think will get in, then I know their style is pretty controlled. Still, you never know what will happen come game time.
Oh, and I was on TV last night. I think I managed not to look like a complete doofus.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
“I think I managed not to look like a complete doofus.”
not likely.
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