
By: Mr. Wilson on May 16, 2008
Yowzers, I can hardly believe my little boy turned two today. No, wait, that's a lie. I can definitely believe it. When Robert turned one, it felt weird. But he has seemed like a two year-old for a couple months now. This birthday didn't sneak up on me like the last one did. There's no disguising the arrival of the Terrible Twos. Not that Robbie is all that terrible yet, but he can throw a fit when he's motivated. Now that Robbie is two, all sorts of doors will open for him: image He doesn't sit still very often: image This didn't turn out half bad, considering I just held out the camera and clicked: image Don't mess with this guy! image Robbie is going to clean up this town: image For the record, Robbie weighs in at a slim-and-trim 25 pounds and he stands 33 inches tall. That puts him squarely in the 30th percentile. (In contrast, his cousin Sam is 7 months younger but could eat Robbie for breakfast.) This morning Robbie got to open his presents from mom and dad. The two big winners were a book about vehicles and a nifty "bike". Tonight he will get to eat at either Gateway (for the carousel) or Red Robin (for the "balaloons"). And then tomorrow is his birthday party at the awesome Antelope Park playground. We'll be there from about 1:00 until 2:30 or 3:00. Stop on by and say hi!


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
May 16, 2008 at 2:31PM

Woohoo! I’ll try and stop by. I heard you were grilling leg of lamb.

May 16, 2008 at 7:39PM

Birfday Robbie.

That is one sweet bike 😊

May 16, 2008 at 10:40PM

That’s an adorable kid you’ve got there. Happy birthday to him!

May 17, 2008 at 5:19AM

Happy Birthday to Robbie!  Adorable.  What a sweet looking family.  I might be out on the bike trail Saturday afternoon so if I am I’ll stop and say hi.

Mrs. CU
May 19, 2008 at 1:11PM

A belated Happy Birthday to you, Robbie!

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