By: Mr. Wilson on
November 28, 2006
- A piece performed by our Mayor is a...
- The burial places for the police chief's caps are...
- A conceited truck parked on V Street is a...
- Peanut butter cup-eating competitions at a local grocery store might be called...
- A noisy boy in the audience at a performing arts center is a...
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
1. Song Sung by Seng
4. Russ’s Reese’s Race
5. Loud Lied Lad
When you mean “V” street I take it that means “Vine” street? If so, 3 is Vain Vine Van.
is 2 Tom’s Top Tomb?
1. Close, but no extra words are allowed.
2. Not quite
3. Yep!
4. Close…
5. Yep!
Then 4 has to be:
Russ’s Reese’s Races
and 1 has to be:
Seng Sang Song
1. Close enough. I was going for Seng-Sung Song, but I suppose some people might actually say Seng Sang Song.
4. Yep!
Tom’s Tam Tomb?
Pretty much. Tom’s Tams’ Tombs is what I was going for (note the plurals in the clue).
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