Too Cool

By: Mr. Wilson on December 29, 2009
My son thinks he's a teenager. He's three. A conversation this morning: The Missus: Here, wear this new sweatshirt you got for Christmas. Robbie: I can't wear that. TM: Why not? R: The kids will laugh. TM: They won't laugh, it's a nice sweatshirt. R: Uh huh! They'll laugh cuz it has Cars. TM: I thought Cars was cool? R: No, the kids will laugh. Nobody wears Cars any more. They laugh at kids that wear Cars. He's three years old and he's already worried about peer pressure associated with his wardrobe. Yikes.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Jen R.
January 4, 2010 at 2:41PM

That is a cute story.  Do three year olds really laugh at each other’s wardrobes though?  Ouch 😊

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