Too Cool

By: Mr. Wilson on July 19, 2006
What do you keep your thermostat set at during these hot summer days? Some businesses keep their buildings really blasted cold, which makes me wonder if they are trying to freeze out their customers so they can all go home. It's the outdoor to indoor temperature difference that really gets me. For example, if it's 100 degrees outside and a business has their A/C set to 72 degrees, I darn near freeze my buns off. And I like to be cold. But give me a 30 degree temperature swing when I'm covered in sweat and I start to feel hypothermia coming on. The Missus and I keep our place at 78 degrees in the summer. That, plus a couple ceiling fans, keeps things comfortable (and affordable). What's your setting?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 19, 2006 at 3:08PM

I used to enjoy the 72-degree office and home, but found myself tiring of the drastic acclimation occuring every time I came or left either place.  At home, I run a window air conditioner on low fan, along with two ceiling fans, keeping the home right around 78 degrees.  Not only am I comfortable, I don’t immediately sweat as drastically when I head out into the heat.

Slate recently published an article, Why We’re Fatter, which suggests that keeping your environment warmer can help you maintain a healthy weight.  And while I would not care to go without the A/C, there are several creative suggestions in the comments on this Lifehacker post: Ask the Readers: Keeping cool without the A/C

Mrs CU
July 19, 2006 at 9:12PM

We keep it at 82 during the day (no bodies at home to keep it cooler for) and at night we go down to 76 (like to sleep cool).  Otherwise it’s at 78 and we go to the basement as much as possible and run those fans.

July 20, 2006 at 12:06AM

we have it set at 82 right now. We’ve been edging it up as it gets warmer. With fans in every room I’m still too warm.

A finished basement would sure be nice.

July 20, 2006 at 9:03PM

When it’s as hot as it’s been the last week we crank it up to 82 and hang out in the basement where it’s about 10 degrees or so cooler.

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