Three Games Down

By: Mr. Wilson on August 28, 2006
My first three college soccer games of the season passed without incident this weekend. I did two games at Concordia on Saturday, and one at Wayne State yesterday. I managed to keep myself out of trouble all weekend, and since the weather was nice, I don't feel nearly as tired and sore this morning as I could. Now if I could just get assigned to my first center...


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Dave K
August 28, 2006 at 3:22PM

I’ve been trying to get into field shape for the upcoming season, and only playing once a week makes that a little difficult.  Although I have no problem while I’m playing, my level of soreness is my gauge for field shape.  I’m going harder and harder every week, and am less and less sore, so I think I’ll be ready.  Back when I was reffing and playing every day I had no problem, but nowadays I’m not so fortunate.

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