Last winter I decided I wanted to challenge myself physically, so I signed up for the Lincoln Half-Marathon. Thanks to an ill-timed soccer assignment the race itself didn't go exactly as planned, but race day wasn't necessarily the point. The training was more important than the race itself, and the training went great.
After the race I took some time off. I think I assumed I would get back into the running mode and perhaps train for the Omaha Half-Marathon in the fall. It didn't really work out that way, primarily because I hate running in the heat and humidity. I'll do it, but ... bleh.
Enter P90X. I'll spare you the bulk of the sales pitch because the Beachbody folks do that well enough on their own. I'll just say that I was looking for some sort of training regimen that could get me the sort of results I'm looking for in my home with minimal equipment. And what are the results I'm looking for? Improved core strength; lower body fat percentage; and increased stamina. And frankly it wouldn't hurt my feelings if I saw some improvement in my pathetically tiny biceps.
The pre-test is done, the "before" photos are taken, the equipment is ready. Today is Day 1. I hear the program sucks for the first couple weeks, but that's OK. If all goes well, ninety days from now I'll be in significantly better shape.
If you've ever thought about starting on P90X or a similar program, Lincolnite commenter Fletch can help you get started. He is registered as a "coach" and if you order through that link he gets a million bucks or something like that. He helped me figure out my wants and needs over lunch at China House.
Oh, and before anybody asks: No, I won't be publishing the before and/or after photos. I know it's a popular thing for P90X participants to do, but it isn't going to happen in this case. Sorry Charlie. If it makes you feel better I'll admit to only (barely!) managing 3 pull-ups and I just eked past the minimum number of "ins and outs" (an ab exercise) during the pre-test. And those biceps I mentioned? Twelve inches of solid bone and skin, baby.
Now then, I've got some work to do.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
You can do this. Thanks for the plug! When I start, I am usually in all-over body paind by Wednesday and Thursday of the first week, but the pain won’t last for long.
Oh come on, the only way we’ll have objective proof this works is if you post your before/after pics. Otherwise, none of it happened.
You’ll just have to check out my new guns in person.
“...but the pain won
I mean that if you find it amazingly difficult to get out of bed or navigate 2-3 stairs by Wednesday, that I think by Friday or Saturday you’ll feel peachy. The bright side is you’ll find all kinds of new muscles you didn’t know you had, because they’ll be screaming out to you. It’s all good.
Let me guess…you saw “Magic Mike” over the weekend and now you are looking for people to display your muscles to? I think I’ll pass.
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