There’s Another ISP Option in Lincoln

By: Mr. Wilson on April 8, 2013
Frustrated with the craptacularness of Windstream and Time Warner Cable as internet service provider options in Lincoln? You have other options, including locally-owned WideRange Broadband. LiquidRetro recently had WideRange Broadband install service at his home. Last night he wrote up a review:
I am on the top residential package (21×5) and am seeing download speeds between 18-20mb/s and uploads of between 5-7mb/s Upload speeds do seem to vary some, but they don’t dip that low, and are still significantly faster than I was previously receiving with my old ISP. Higher speeds are being seen at non peak times. The speed test screenshots speak for themselves. There are no bandwidth caps with the service either.
If you wind up pursuing service with WideRange Broadband, be sure to support LiquidRetro through their affiliate program by letting them know that he sent you.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

April 8, 2013 at 2:28PM

Thanks for reposting my review.

April 8, 2013 at 3:03PM

Thanks. I have been thinking of getting this service and was looking for a review. I will be sure to tell them you sent me if I decide to switch from dsl. Did you experience any problems with the service during the rainstorm last night?

April 8, 2013 at 3:57PM

Mike, during the storm last night I didn’t notice any difference in the speeds I was receiving.  The most important thing is a clear shot to the towers without trees in the way, etc.

April 8, 2013 at 4:27PM

Thanks. According to their website, they have a tower within a half mile or so from my house - so this looks promising.

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