After spending time in the Boston area, I have a proposal for a new traffic law in Lincoln:
The Law
Certain crosswalks should be designated as "priority" crosswalks. At priority crosswalks, vehicles must yield to any and all waiting pedestrians. Emergency vehicles on a call are exempt. Priority crosswalks may be designated in one of two ways: (1) by white lines or similar markings on the pavement, designating the crosswalk path; or (2) by bright yellow pedestrian crossing signs, accompanied underneath by a sign with the text "Yield to Pedestrians". Crosswalks accompanied by traffic signals do not apply.
In limited cases vehicles should also yield to bicyclists. These include situations where a designated bike path crosses a street, but where there is not an accompanying traffic signal. In those cases, the priority crosswalk must be identified with a sign showing a pedestrian and a bicyclist, and the accompanying text should read "Yield to Peds and Bikes".
The Rationale
Pedestrians rule in Massachusetts, and it was incredible to see how drivers humbled themselves to their walking superiors. You might think traffic would be excessively hindered by this sort of situation; in my experience, you would be wrong. Lincoln has long been perceived as a city hostile to pedestrians. I believe strongly that we need to change that situation.
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