Some people see government as an extension of "us". Others see it as some sort of external "them". And of course there are plenty of folks who have it both ways depending on the circumstances.
Lincolnites apparently viewed the City as "them" when we decided to make the City responsible for sidewalk repair. Until that time homeowners were responsible for the maintenance. Trouble is, we didn't really gain very much. What we saved in direct costs to individual homeowners we now pay in taxes and inferior sidewalk conditions around the community.
Which brings me to Dale Gardner, the squeaky wheel profiled by Deena Winter in today's LJS. He rightly points out that there are many sidewalks in his neighborhood that need repair. He thus complained to the City. And the City ... well, they haven't done a whole lot. Why not? Money. There isn't nearly enough money in the budget to fix all of the sidewalks that need to be fixed. And who is to blame for that? Got a mirror handy?
I'm sure we could probably find some efficiencies that could save a couple thousand dollars here and there. Great, let's go recoup that money. But it still doesn't come close to closing the funding gap.
So how do we address this unfunded mandate we've given to the City? Do we shift the burden back to homeowners? Give the City an influx of cash to address the issue? Give up and gradually allow the sidewalks to deteriorate?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
If only there funds available from the Federal government for something like this. A stimulus package, if you will.
Huh. I always figured the sidewalks were the homeowners responsibility - like shoveling them is. Shows how little I know.
Previous thoughts on a squeaky sidewalk wheel
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